Tips & Tricks Taking Silhouette

Silhouettes in the world of photography because of the significant differences between the main object of the reflected light on the front of the image with the background.

To produce a silhouette, the light from the back of the object should be bright and then captured by measuring luminitas background light.

Below are some ways that you can take to get the silhouette images:

Do not use the flash

The first and foremost thing to do is turn off the flash on the camera, if this is not done then you will get a regular photo (not as dark as the main object). So turn off the camera flash!

the right lighting conditions (backlight)

To produce a silhouette, background you need more light than the main object. That is the reason why the image silhouette done at sunset or sunrise, when the sun (light source) is behind the object that you want photo

But that does not mean you will get a photo silhouette at sunset or sunrise, every time you can shoot silhouette images, with background notes should be much brighter than the main object.

Photos will greatly accentuate the silhouette form the main object, therefore look for objects with interesting shapes and strong character.

Finding the right background
To get the silhouette you have to find a lighter background. Try also to mendapatkanbackground very interesting but not too crowded so the main object stand out. The sky and the beach is just one example of favorite background.

Measure the correct exposure (manual / auto)

Wherever possible use manual exposure mode. Set metering in spot metering. Measure the area brighter background. Change the combination of aperture and shutter speed according to the results of your metering, especially make sure you set the aperture to your liking (large aperture to blur the background a bit and a small aperture for sharp background).

Once you determine the aperture and shutter speed is selected, point the camera to the main object. If you are unable to use the manual mode, use the auto mode. Point the camera towards the brightest area, half tekanshutter (not fully pressed) and then hold the shutter does not have to be removed. Then point the camera to the main object, and then snap.

Keep on experimenting

Keep trying the combination of aperture and shutter speed are different, until you get the best silhouette. Try experimenting with objects and your surroundings, do not just stare at the sunset dansunrise, as silhouette images can be produced anywhere.

Happy shooting!


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